ƒ funnerize copenhagen: pass the parcel

Mar 24, 2011

pass the parcel

So I recently found out my friend and her partner are having a child. I decided to get them a gift to congratulate them on the fantastic news. Knowing that a gift is more fun when given as part of a game I introduced my Danish friends to play pass the parcel.
this is what I bought them

In preparation for the game, I wrapped the gift in a large number of layers of wrapping paper. With smaller prizes bring placed between all other layers of wrapping.
During the game, music is played as the parcel is passed around. Whoever is holding the parcel when the music is stopped removes one layer of wrapping and claims any prize found under that layer. The music is then restarted and the game continues until every layer is removed and the main prize claimed.
I only explained how this game works because a lot of my friends have no idea that it existed.

chupachups, hershey's and charleston chew

second layer with a chupachup

Third had a charleston chew (my new favourite candybar)

all done.

1 comment:

  1. I know!! Stefan had never heard of party games. Poor Danes and their impoverished childhoods. Maybe that's what I should do next week..
